The Heart Wall

The Age of the Heart

Did you know that the heart is the most electromagnetic organ in your body? Your heart generates 60 to 1000 times more power and electromagnetic energy than your brain, easily making it the most powerful organ you have.

Scientists first began measuring the heart’s electrical field with the discovery of the electrocardiogram machine (EKG) in 1895. Not too long ago, a new machine was developed called the magnetocardiogram (MCG), which measures the magnetic field of the heart instead of the electrical field. To their astonishment, scientists found that the heart’s magnetic field extends up to 12 feet in diameter around the body!ٰ ¹

Using this very advanced technology, scientists have been able to confirm some absolutely mind-boggling things about the heart that they never imagined!

  • Every beat of the heart sends messages to all the cells of the body.
  • The brain in your head obeys the messages sent by the heart.
  • The heart can “think” for itself.
  • The heart has the ability to “remember” things.

The "Energetic" Wall

The Heart Wall is created by the subconscious mind when we are in a state of intense stress. To protect this vital part of our body, the subconscious mind uses the emotions we are feeling as the building material to create a “wall” like structure. These emotions could be anything ie: anger, resentment, anxiety, grief, depression, abandonment, heartache, failure etc., and over time, each time we feel an emotion intensely, it can add itself to “The Heart Wall” which can happen over any length of time. The frequencies of these trapped emotions are wrapped layer by layer around the heart and can be released with ease using our proven methods.

There may have been times in your own life where you have felt that physical sensation we refer to as “heartache.” This feeling of pressure or discomfort in the chest and throat may occur when someone is hurting us or we have a deep sense of grief or loss. I believe that the heart is actually the core of our being, just like the ancients believed. And I think that the spirit within us does not like this feeling. I believe that if you have this experience more than a couple of times in your life, that your subconscious mind may form an “energy wall” to protect your heart against further heartache. 

93% of the population has at least one Heart Wall!!

The effects of a Heart Wall can be devastating and lead to shocking effects in our health and happiness. Being free from a Heart Wall means we can live more fully from an open heart, create greater abundance, and even find love.

Giving and Receiving Love

One of the more amazing discoveries of modern science is that when a person feels love or affection for another person, the heartbeat of the person sending that love or affection becomes measurable in the magnetic brain waves of the recipient.²

Think about this for a moment. Even scientific study indicates that there is communication taking place between all of us, all the time. I believe that the human heart is both a sender and a receiver of information. It seems to me that the heart sends the energy we call “love,” and can receive that energy in return.

Experience has convinced me that the Heart-Wall hampers your ability to give and receive love and feel other positive emotions. I firmly believe that a Heart-Wall contributes to feelings of isolation, sadness, and other emotional problems.

Approximately 93% of people have a Heart-Wall! Do you?


  • Heart Wall Session Single Session £78
  • Heart Wall Session (pack of 3) £210

    The Heart Wall package consists of 3 Sessions. It typically takes between 2 to 4 sessions to clear a Heart Wall. If it takes less than 3 sessions, we will devote the remaining time to other energetic clearings you’d like to address. If it takes more than 3 sessions to clear, the 4th session will be included at no additional cost to you. (If 4th session is needed there is a limit of ONE extra clearing per client)

" I had been on my own for 20 yrs and couldn’t attract the right person into my life that I could have a meaningful relationship with. I was referred to Clare by a friend. On our first meeting, Clare discovered that I had a Heart wall. After 3 sessions with Clare the heart wall was broken down completely and I have now found an amazing partner. We have now set a date to get married!! Clare is brilliant and I would recommend her "
Debbie S - UK

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